Seminar in Aeronautics

A high-tech focus area for a new level of Brazilian-Swedish cooperation

May 16, 2016 - Brasília, Brazil


Aeronautics is a highly strategic area of technology both for Brazil and Sweden. Brazil is one of the four most prominent producers of civil aircraft in the world. Sweden, on the other hand, is a very successful producer of military aircraft as well as a supplier of assemblies for civil aircraft. Additionally, aeronautics is an industry, which heavily relies on advanced technologies with strong spillover effects extended not only to its core technologies but also to to a whole cloud of technology surrounding it, extending far beyond the aeronautical area, e.g., automotive industry, ICT and many others.

Given the scenario described above and the acquisition of Gripen Fighters by the Brazilian Air Force, it came a motivation to draw a broader cooperation. The ambitions throughout Brazil and Sweden are to acquire capabilities to develop an effective national innovation system together. By fostering research and innovation relations, there is a unique long term opportunity to develop these capabilities through collaboration.

To follow this purpose, The Swedish-Brazilian Research and Innovation Centre – CISB, alongside with the triple Helix (Government, Academy and Industry) from both countries have been developing and investing in a number of initiatives to foster and stimulate this cooperation, as much as to coordinate activities and strategy to this common objective.

The focus of this seminar is to inform Brazilian and Swedish government stakeholders and funding agencies about the activities been developed so far, the benefits created, spill overs, cases of success and the future ahead of this cooperation in order to achieve engagement and commitment of all parties involved.


Members from ministries and funding agencies connected with R&D&I, in Brazil and Sweden and the armed forces of both countries as well.


SENAI National Department
SBN - Quadra 1 - Bloco C – Edificio  Roberto Simonsen - Brasília - Brazil
Auditorium José Carlos Gomes Carvalho - 1S


May 16, 2016

Welcome networking coffee

Alessandra Holmo - CISB and Marcelo Prim - SENAI

Developing industry and bilateral cooperation through innovation: the Aeronautics case
Anders Blom - INNOVAIR and Anderson Correia - ITA

Brazilian-Swedish Cooperation in Aeronautics
Mats Olofsson - CISB

Coffee Break



LiU-UFSC-Saab cooperation on efficient hydraulic systems for aeronautics
Victor Juliano De Negri - UFSC


For any additional information, please contact:

Fellipe Sabat: + 55 11 4314-9466 /
