Webinar: Brazil Sweden cooperation success cases
It is a framework composed of a series of events organized or supported by CISB aiming to connect actors, catalyse initiatives, introduce new technologies and disseminate the cooperation between Sweden and Brazil.
In 2020, CISB promoted the 10th edition of the Meeting in which several webinars were held on different subjects covering all of its initiatives.
The CISB Annual Meeting is connected to the Sweden Brazil Innovation Weeks.
CISB invites Brazilian companies to share their experiences and success cases of cooperation with Swedish actors, as well as the challenges and benefits of international collaboration.
The second edition of the seminar on space sector in Brazil and Sweden will be held in two sessions: discussions on expectations for the space sector in both countries and how to attract investments to the sector.
Due to a MoU agreement signed by CISB and CNPq in 2011, both institutions and Saab AB have been partners in a unique mobility program. Researchers granted in the program were able to develop research projects with industry and universities. This exchange of knowledge benefits researchers, industry and society in general.
In this event, CISB and CNPq will present the cases of success and benefit of industry-academia collaboration promoted through this mobility program.
The workshop series explores the collaboration between Sweden and Brazil in the field of Aeronautics, and CISB is supporting the initiative for the 9th time. This edition will be focused in digitalization in the sector.
First joint event organized by BARINet (Brazilian Aeronautical Research and Innovation Network) and SARC (Swedish Aeronautical Research Center). The focus will be on academic research on 4 themes related to the Aeronautic sector.
The event will present a cooperation model which aims to engage more companies in the sustainable innovation chain and facilitate the transition to a circular economy.
Santa Catarina’s Center of Convergence for Aerospace Technologies (SC2C.Aero) is going to promote two virtual meetings around the sector of satellites. “From space to the field: How can aerospace technologies impact agribusiness?” is the subject of the first meeting and the second topic is “Brazilian Satellites: Why keep developing?”.
WIEFP is a Swedish-Brazilian initiative started in 2012 focused to promote collaboration on the field of fluid power, driver, actuation, and control systems. Besides presentations from invited speakers from industry and academia, the workshop will have selected presentations from engineers in industry, and master’s and doctoral students.