In 2021, CISB held the 11th edition of its Annual Meeting, and brought together different stakeholders from Brazil and Sweden for different virtual events on topics around the institution's initiatives and projects.
Once again, CISB Annual Meeting was able to:
We hope to see you in 2022 at the 12th CISB Annual Meeting!
CISB launched a video with exclusive interviews with the CNPq-CISB-Saab guest researchers, describing their trajectories and experiences when carrying out research and innovation projects with Swedish actors.
In what ways can cities become more intelligent and sustainable as they address climate change? This event discussed how cities in Brazil and Sweden are exploring opportunities in a context of new urban challenges, and it was hosted by the consortium of the project “Smart City Concepts”, a Swedish-Brazilian collaboration
The program "Swedish Endowed Professor Chair at ITA in Honor of Peter Wallenberg Sr." celebrated six years of duration in 2021. Aiming to present the results of the professors in the last 2 years, and the spillovers from the endowed chair into other sectors, CISB held the third edition of the workshop, this time entirely virtual. During the event, it was also presented the joint initiatives between the Swedish Aeronautical Research Center (SARC) and the Brazilian Aerospace Research and Innovation Network (BARINet).
Since 2012, CISB, CNPq and Saab have had a strategic partnership in the development of international collaboration in the field of scientific and technological research, through the launch of calls for projects and funding of scholarship in Sweden. In this webinar, CISB presented the 7th CNPq-CISB-Saab Call for researchers from Brazil interested in carrying out joint research and innovation projects with Swedish industry and academia.
In this event, CISB presented the new Call for Brazilian startups focused on AI, which is offering travel grants and opportunities to get to know Sweden's innovation ecosystem, initiate contact with large corporates and potential partners.
The result of the Call of Innovation Projects CISB 07 2020 was released on 15 October, and 8 Brazilian researchers will receive funding for a one-week trip to Sweden, with the goal of knowing the state of the art in Artificial Intelligence.
To break the ice before the trip, CISB, CNPq and Saab met with the researchers to align expectations, present the program in Sweden and the partners of the initiative.