The Aeronautics Arena was launched in November 2014 during the 4th CISB Annual Meeting, with the aim of connecting players, discussing technological challenges, fostering a portfolio of projects, and paving the way for the creation of a long-term cooperation agenda between the two countries in the sector.
The launch of the Arena was accompanied by the Composites & Manufacturing Workshop in São Paulo and the 1st Brazilian Swedish Workshop in Aeronautics at ITA in São José dos Campos. At these initial workshops, the players had the opportunity to get to know each other and discuss solutions to the industry’s challenges, as well as to learn about possibilities for government support for bilateral cooperation in construction.
CISB, as a facilitator of cooperation and through the support of its members and partners, has developed different tools to foster an environment conducive to collaboration between Sweden and Brazil. The main tool is the Brazilian-Swedish Workshop in Aeronautics, which has already had 12 editions and more than 3,000 participants, as well as its mobility programs.
Brazil Sweden Cooperation in Aeronautics
The Arena gained a strong relevance in the formation of bilateral consortia that were supported by government agencies and became part of the Brazil Sweden cooperation portfolio monitored by the High Level Group in Aeronautics (HLG) from 2015.
For more information about the Arena, send us a message.