The Brazilian Army has awarded Ms. Alessandra Holmo, Managing Director of Swedish-Brazilian Research & Innovation Centre (CISB) with a medal for its contribution to the Brazilian Army Science, Technology and Innovation System (SCTIEx).

General Ramos, Deputy Chief of the Army and Alessandra Holmo after receiving the medal.
One of CISB’s main tasks has been to act as a hub when it comes to collaboration & innovation and it has also performed several courses together with Swedish academia, authorities and industry, where innovation has been the focal point. CISB believes that in order to generate innovation able to promote sustainable growth, is necessary to gather forces, exercise cooperation, share experiences and invest in internationalization of projects that can solve the main challenges of the society.
Since its inauguration, CISB has been involved in creating research projects, performing events linking Sweden and Brazil in a unique forum, promoting the interaction between academia, governmental agencies and industry in Brazil and in Sweden. Throughout the six years that CISB has been active, a strong research network related to technology has been established and generated projects linking mainly to the aeronautics field, supporting the ongoing Swedish-Brazilian bilateral aero collaboration extending far beyond the Gripen deal.
One of the biggest successes CISB is involved in is the supporting in the process of transformation that the Brazilian Army is doing at the moment. The Army implemented the SisDIA Innovation (System of Defense, Industry and Academy of Innovation) which is based on the Triple Helix model. SisDIAs main objectives are to contribute to the development and production of defense systems, products, technologies and services. In order to learn how to best work with Triple Helix, the Army chose CISB as a partner for courses and trainings. Together with Linköping University and Saab AB, a tailor made course was created – Executive Innovation Management Course, and after 3 batches of students from the Brazilian Army, the Army now gives recognition to CISB for the excellent work done by presenting a medal to her Managing Director.
In this context of implementing the innovation policies of the Brazilian Army in which CISB was at its disposal and collaborating with SCTIEx, Ms. Alessandra Holmo has played a key role in disseminating knowledge; promoting exchange programs and training in innovation professionals from Brazilian Army in Brazil and Sweden; in the interaction of actors of the Industry, Academia and Government of both Sweden and Brazil, among other supports of interest of the Land Force.
The collaboration with the Army has not only resulted in education for the officers when it comes to Innovation, the Army has also throughout the years sent master and PhD students to Linköping University as an extension of the course and collaboration with CISB.
Throughout the six years that CISB has been active, the collaboration between the two countries has excelled expectations.
“It’s been a pleasurable work since the start with establishing CISB as a collaborative actor between our two countries. The medal from the Army is a wonderful recognition for me and to CISB and we are all very proud of this honor. It commemorates that the activities that CISB has been promoting and been supporting with towards the Army has done what it set out to do; supporting on a large front towards the military in the innovation area and positioning Sweden as an excellent partner in sharing knowledge and experience. CISB looks towards to increase its engagement with the Navy in order to have collaborations with all the Brazilian Armed forces, says Alessandra Holmo”.