Sobre nós

Juntos podemos enfrentar mais desafios e oferecer melhores soluções

O CISB, Centro Sueco-Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Inovação, é uma associação privada sem fins lucrativos que atua como plataforma para conectar ecossistemas de inovação e facilitar a colaboração entre a Suécia e o Brasil.

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O CISB cria um ambiente que incentiva a colaboração.


Conecte atores da indústria, da academia e do governo na Suécia e no Brasil.

Ideias e Projetos

Atrair ideias e projetos que possam ser de interesse dos associados do CISB.

Programas de Imersão

Promover programas de imersão e missões na Suécia.


O Conceito de Arenas de Inovação Aberta

Reuniões (fóruns, workshops, etc.) para discutir desafios e soluções tecnológicas, gerar ideias, criar projetos de pesquisa e impulsionar parcerias estratégicas.



O Brasil é um dos quatro mais importantes produtores de aeronaves civis e a Suécia tem muito sucesso como produtora de aeronaves militares.
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Transporte e Logística

Os transportes e a logística impulsionam o comércio global, reduzem custos e melhoram a eficiência da cadeia de abastecimento.
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Desenvolvimento Urbano

Há uma procura para que as cidades inteligentes e sustentáveis sejam locais envolventes, criativos, inclusivos e colaborativos.
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Brazilian Startups Participate in a Transformative Mission in Sweden

October 3, 2022
The experience provided unique opportunities for startup representatives. Swedish-Brazilian Research and Innovation Center – is resuming its agenda of in person actions and between the 13th and 16th of September arrived in Sweden with six Brazilian startups for a mission focused on the topic Artificial Intelligence. Participants were able to…

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CISB Mission Connects Brazil and Sweden with Great Results

February 17, 2023
Trip of Brazilian startups, organized by the Swedish Brazilian Innovation Center, took Pix Force to an incentive project of the Swedish giant ABB. In September 2002, the CISB (Swedish Brazilian Innovation Center) organized an even more innovative mission than the ones it usually carries out. In partnership with CNPq and…

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CISB Broadens Its Program and Launches the First Chair Focused in Artificial Intelligence and Autonomy, Headed by Professor Fredrik Heintz

March 28, 2023
Artificial Intelligence and Autonomy. That is the theme of the new Chair from CISB’s program in partnership with Saab AB and Linköping University, based on Professor Fredrik Heintz broad and well regarded research. The focus of the Chair is to establish, strengthen and deepen the collaboration with the main Brazilian…

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Women in Science, Technology & Innovation – Interview with Cristina Zuffo

November 27, 2020
In this special edition, we invited Cristina Zuffo, Superintendent of RD&I at Sabesp and participant in one of the webinars of the Annual Meeting, to tell about her trajectory in the areas of science, technology and innovation. Tell us about your professional experience, activities and projects at Sabesp.       Cristina: I…

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Brazil Sweden Cooperation Success Cases

November 17, 2020
On November 9th, the webinar “Brazil-Sweden cooperation success cases” took place, marking the start of the 10th Annual Meeting. With the participation of Joselito Henriques from Akaer, Rafael Bertochi from Suzano and moderation by Heloisa Menezes, another CISB initiative was a success promoting high-level discussions. On November 9th, the webinar “Brazil-Sweden…

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Webinar: Mobility Program Boosting Innovation

November 20, 2020
On the second day of the 10th Annual Meeting, CISB held the Mobility program boosting innovation, a discussion focused on the role of mobility in innovation and information in companies. Alessandra Holmo, executive director of CISB, started the panel with a contextualization of the CNPq-CISB partnership, signed in September 2011.…

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